Precious Journey with you”
A truly amazing achievement
As a voluntary organization we are involved in many social works. However, our main service is to deal with underprivileged children and adolescents. Here is a brief discussion on this topic. We work from the grassroots level for marginalized children living below the poverty line. First of all, we are in service since 2008. We have provided primary education in different segment (for street children, slum children, rural children and tribal children). Firstly, for those who have not been admitted to school at the right age or have not had the opportunity or have dropped out of school for any reason, we initially provide non-formal education. Later we enroll those children and adolescents to the school for new or formal education. While working in different areas there we started free coaching center for first generation students. As a result, they get a helpful way to continue their education along with their schooling. Since they are mostly first-generation students, this system plays a very necessary and important role in their education. Beside this we established a complete residential school, in the month of January 2021, for Sabor tribal children at BONKANALI village of Purulia district, West Bengal.
Our mission is to render services to the deprived by facilitating their fight against illness, illiteracy & poverty. Education, health-care, livelihood avenues should be available to all, irrespective of religion, gender or class.
We want to establish free boarding school (Mahestala, Joka, Kolkata) for underprevileged, street, rural & tribal children. We also want to establish charitable health center in the rural area for needy people and want to start ambulance services for them.
Our children participate in all kinds of programs. You will get a very good idea what they do throughout the whole year.
Please donate via Net Banking. Send us an email with details about you, so we can send you an acknowledgement.
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